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Addresses of the editors:
Professor Dr. med Reinhard Putz
Vorstand des Anatomischen Instituts
der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität
Pettenkoferstraße 11
80336 München
e-mail: reinhard.putz@med uni-muenchen de
Professor Dr. med. Reinhard Pabst
Leiter der Abteilung
Funktionelle und Angewandte Anatomie
Medizinische Hochschule Hannover
Carl-Neuberg-Straße 1
30625 Hannover
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14th edition 2006
©2006 Elsevier GmbH, Munich
Urban & Fischer Verlag is an imprint of Elsevier GmbH
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The 14,n edition of the Sobotta Atlas consists of two volumes and a
booklet containing tables (enclosed in Volume 11:
Volume 1: Head, Neck, Upper Limb
Volume 2: Trunk, Viscera, Lower Limb
Translation: Dr. med Sammy Bedoui, Hannover
Editorial staff at Elsevier: Dr med. Dorothea Hennessen
Alexander Gattnarzik
Dr. rer. nat Andrea Richarz
Illustrators: Ulrike Brugger, Munich; Rudiger Himmelhan, Heidelberg;
Horst Ruß, Munich; Henriette Rintelen, Velbern
Book production: Renate Hausdorf, Munich
Composed by: Typodata, Munich
Printed and bound by: Appl, Wemding
Cover design: Carsten Tschirner, Munich
Printed on Nopacoat 115 g
Printed in Germany
ISBN-13: 978-0-443-10348-3
ISBN-10: 0-443-10348-8
This atlas was founded by Johannes Sobottat, former Professor of Anatomy
and Director of the Anatomical Institute of the University of Bonn, Germany.
German Editions:
Edition: 1904-1907 J. F. Lehmanns Verlag, Munich
2nd-1 1th Edition: 1913-1944 J F. Lehmanns Verlag, Munich
12th-20th Edition: 1948-1993 Urban & Schwarzenberg, Munich
13th Edition: 1953, editor H Becher
14th Edition: 1956, editor H. Becher
15th Edition: 1957, editor H Becher
16th Edition: 1967, editor H Becher
17th Edition: 1972, editors H. Ferner and J. Staubesand
18lh Edition: 1982, editors H. Ferner and J Staubesand
19th Edition: 1988, editor J. Staubesand
20th Edition: 1993, editors R. Putz and R. Pabst
21s* Edition: 2000, editors R. Putz and R Pabst, Urban & Fischer Verlag,
22nd Edition: 2006, editors R Putz and R Pabst, Elsevier GmbH, Munich
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Modern Technical Center, Damascus
Chinese Edition (complex characters]
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Croatian Edition
Naklada Slap, Jastrebarsko
Dutch Edition
Bohn Stafleu van Loghum, Houten
English Edition (with nomenclature in English)
Atlas of Human Anatomy
Lippincott W illiams & Wilkins
English Edition (with nomenclature in Latin!
Atlas of Human Anatomy
Elsevier GmbH, Urban & Fischer
French Edition
Atlas dAnatomie Humaine
Tec & Doc Lavoisier, Paris
Greek Edition (with nomenclature in Greek!
Maria G. Parissianos, Athens
Greek Edition (with nomenclature in Latin)
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az ember anatomiéjànak atlasza
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Atlante di Anatomia Umana
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Polish Edition
Atlas anatomii cztowieka
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Atlas de Anatomia Humana
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Portuguese Edition (with nomenclature in Latin!
Atlas de Anatomia Humana
Editora Guanabara Koogan, Rio de Janeiro
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Atlas de Anatomia Humana
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